Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Tired like Moving Houses: Farewell Concert Review Part One

I've moved a lot of times in my life. At age 16 the longest I'd lived in one country in a row was 4 years.

So you know that feeling when you're moving your stuff from one house to a vehicle and then out into another house (and then out of boxes and into the rooms the stuff belongs in)? You know how you get tired-er and tired-er as the day progresses? I know that feeling -- and the three or four days before the Farewell Concert were like that for me.

There were so many people helping I won't begin to try to describe or thank them right now. It was amazing. Even with all of that, I kept getting more tired.

A couple of hours before the show, when the theater was looking great, the practicing done, and there were people ready to do all the remaining jobs, I snuck away and sat in Nate's studio for half an hour. I took a nap and thought and talked to God and tried to hear myself. And it was good.

Because of that -- and the 20+ people helping -- by the time we took the stage I was ready.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This has nothing to do with your latest blog, but I was wondering if there is anywhere I can buy a copy of your song "Waterfall"/"Water Fall On Me" (I'm not sure which it is, exactly)? I haven't been able to find it anywhere, and have only had luck finding the lyrics in one place (on Yahoo! Answers). It's a wonderful song and I would love to have it in my collection. Thanks for the help!