Sunday, November 15, 2009

Me and Music, November 2009

Since March 09

It's been good to rest. To not tour. To have no musical projects in the works besides the CSM.*


Some values and goals for music in the next season are getting clear:
1. Grow as a songwriter (depth, clarity, uniqueness)
2. Grow as a singer/musician/collaborator (excellence, passion, uniqueness)
3. Incorporate visual art into my music (recordings, live shows, etc)
4. Embody my life mission in my music and my music in my life mission**

Slowly develop the music -- new material, a new concert, new recordings.
The JRL Farewell Concert CD is scheduled for release this year.
I'd like to record another project and have a cohesive concert ready by summer 2010.

* Community Supported Music. Monthly deliveries of new songs. A delivery will be coming out soon. (click on CSM).

** Cultivate creativity. Follow Jesus. Grow community. Help others do the same.

1 comment:

Joy said...

Awesome personal mission statement. We just found your website through Brian Suderman's CSM. Very cool!

This is Matt Sears' wife Joy and we are feeling called to much of the same. O yeah, add in, tackle world hunger by equipping brilliant and passionate Jesus-loving locals with resources to change their communities too!

Matt says, hey!!