Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Now on Itunes Now

The 2007 in-the-studio Jonathan-and-a-guitar recording "Now" is now available for download from itunes, amazon, rhapsody. Adam Fleming wrote:

"The emotions JR wrestles with on this album exhibit a deep maturity brought on by hardship. They say the best wine is grown in regions where vines struggle to survive. This is why so few people write great songs. JR does it at least four or five times on this album, and that’s pretty good."

I'm not selling many cds these days (partly b/c I'm not touring). However, there is a steady and growing stream of people downloading songs and joining the csm, so that's good.


Bryan Moyer Suderman said...

Good to hear, Jonathan.

I'll be doing a workshop on the csm concept and experience at the "Sound in the Lands" conference at Conrad Grebel University College in Waterloo next weekend. Do you or your csm members have any thoughts that you'd like to contribute to the workshop? Anything you'd like people there to know about your experience of the csm approach?

Jonathan Reuel said...

I feel like I'm really only beginning with the CSM approach. It's been great so far in that it's helped sharing my writing to be a more regular and normal part of life rather than a big event that happens when I release a record.

Because of this it really is a lot more relational -- like people are with me on a journey as opposed to consumers "buying my products."

Another benefit for me is regularly practicing the discipline of reflecting on the writing process and the lyrics. This is helping me be a better songwriter and some people are interested by it.

I don't have many members yet and haven't gotten a lot of feedback yet, but people are supportive and interested and thankful to have this window into my creative process and current work.

I expect to have a lot more to share after a couple years and growth with the project.

I really appreciate the chance to grow and share that the CSM model has provided me. I've been writing songs for 22 years and recording for 18 -- this model is helping integrate the writing and recording into real life in a more healthy way than ever before for me. And if it really is all about being faithful and consistent rather than rich and successful, then this is of significant value.

Ryan Flemmings said...

This is one of my favorite albums of all time. Seriously. I love it. Lyrics and the raw acoustic destroy me.